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about me

Hello and welcome to my blog!


My name is Colleen and I'm a Music Therapist working in an inpatient psychiatric hospital. I have been in this population for about 3 years, and am lucky to say that I have such a passion for what I do. Over the past few years, I have realized that there just isn't much literature or online forums related to Music Therapy in this population, and I feel this is definitely needed. So I saw a need, and I am preparing to fill it! Working in Psych is unique in that it combines musical prowess with counseling skills and being extremely assertive and creative. It also requires constant self-care and even seeking out professional counseling for yourself as a therapist.  For this reason, I have chosen to write not only about my day to day sessions and groups, but also about the ways I keep my head on straight and take care of my personal needs.


Besides Music Therapy, I am also passionate about hiking, knitting, DIY projects, cooking, spending time with my wonderful husband, girls nights full of coloring and chick flicks, hammocking, and camping!

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